Any research that is done that will help understanding of trans issues may eventually benefit those we love. Please pass this onto anyone that you think may be eligible or interested in filling it out. Ms T.
Survey: FTM Voice
My name is Vica Papp and I am a speech scientist at Rice University, Houston, TX in the USA. My PhD research concerns the voice experiences, vocal health, and vocal satisfaction of all trans men, transmen and FTMs. In order to better inform the transgender, medical and academic communities about the speech-related experiences, concerns and needs of trans men, transmen and FTMs I created an online questionnaire.
The time required to complete the questionnaire is about 20 minutes and all FTMs, transmen and trans men over 18 years old are eligible to fill out the questionnaire _regardless of testosterone use_. Your answers are completely confidential and encrypted.
Please fill out the survey online at:
Vica Papp, MSc., MA., MA.
This study has been reviewed and approved by Rice University’s Institutional Review Board on March 17, 2010. The IRB Approval Number is 10-127E.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this study or your participation in this study, you may contact the researcher conducting this study, Vica Papp, by email at or by phone (832-788-2698).
Please ask any questions you have prior to your entering into the study. If you have questions later, you may contact either Vica Papp by email or by regular mail at 6100 Main St MS-23, Houston TX 77005. The faculty supervisor of this project is Dr. Katherine Crosswhite. You may also contact her for further information about the study at If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact Sarah White, Director, Rice University’s Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) at 6100 Main Street, MS-16 Houston, TX 77005, by phone (713-348-6200), or by email ( or by fax (713-348-5425).
Thanks to for this post.