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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Perfect 10 Speed Dating this Friday the 9th

This Friday is Perfect 10 Speed Dating which I had the pleasure of attending last month to assist jenifa who is the doll that is putting this event on.  I had never been to the Southlake Grill before and was impressed with the location for this event.  We had the entire upstairs which was a nice set up as it was not too noisy and had the perfect privacy one would want with this kind of event.  We had our own bartenders and they were happy to bring good food up to us all evening.

There were almost an equal number of men and women that registered for the event.  TRAFFIC was horrible on this night and although it was I think perhaps a bit unconventional, we all visited together before the event started.  I was helping jenifa out for the evening although she had it together enough that I was able to enjoy hanging with a couple (yes, it did become known as the three-way table).  Everyone was having a good time!

The matching was done via secret handshake behind closed doors the next morning but what I did find out is that Perfect 10 has about a 80% rate of people meeting and wanting to go on a date afterwards!  Pretty kewl, I would say.  The evening seemed to be fun and relaxed for the participants and a whole bunch of us went out for pizza afterwards and frankly, the peeps were just nice folks.  One may not find their Perfect 10 the first night, but I bet you can find a perfect friend in the crowd and have a good time doing so.

On Seattle Announcements Calendar.


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