
*** RESOURCES -- New Information is added often ***

Friday, June 10, 2011

Capitol Hill Garage Sale, 10a-3p

The Federal Republian Park is the new location for the Capitol Hill Garage Sale, Saturday, June 11th. There will be tables galore including our Ruth who would love for you to stop by and say hello. She is raising money for the FedRep Park Project like many others are.

You will find that FedRep is not the only place that is hopping tomorrow as many on Capitol Hill take advantage of this community day by hosting sales at their residences. It will be a great day for bargains and to visit with kewl peeps. A map of some of the sale locations can be found here.

If you are participating and need to know what to do with any leftovers they have a grand plan as your tax deductible donations will benefit children and adults with disabilities. Bring your collecting, clothing & household items to the Federal/Republican community space from 2:30-4:00pm (June 11th).

Or you can drop off at these locations:

Madrona Donation Drop
9am - 5pm

Grocery Outlet,
1126 Martin Luther King Jr Way.

Thanks to for this information.


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