
*** RESOURCES -- New Information is added often ***

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's Leather Week

Ronda VanderMeer, Seattle Imperial Princess 20 and Portland Imperial Princess 34 will be emceeing this weekend's Annual Washington State Mr. & Ms. Leather Contest 2011 that began in 1983.  The contest will be on Saturday evening with events happening all week.  You can find detailed calendar information to pick the events you would like to attend.  

Saturday evening festivities will be judged by the following wonderful community members: 

Head Judge: Linda Coomas, Member, WSMLO Board of Directors

Panther, Washington State Ms. Leather 2003

Daddy Daun, Portland Leather Women of the Year 2005

Bruce Saari, Washington State Mr. Leather 1999

Dominic Chevalier, Mr. Oregon State Leather 2008

Mitch Koonce, Folsom Street Events, San Francisco

The contest will have 2 Talley Masters, Jeremy Dunn, Seattle and Angie, Washington State Ms. Leather 2009, Seattle.

The event could not happen without the tireless work of the following longstanding community members.  They do a fabulous job!

Gylan Green, Contest Producer
Tony Buff, Contest
Jeff Henness, Judges
Lainy Beitler, Den Daddy, Contestant Coordinator
Tim F., Contest Program Layout / Advertising


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