
*** RESOURCES -- New Information is added often ***

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Olive Dume's Enigma Ball - March 19th - $3 Donations for Alzheimer's Association FundRaiser

This is an extremely inexpensive donation cover so if you can donate at the event - great, they won't turn it away!  Think about getting out and enjoying other peoples company.  Look at the great men's effort at dressing up.  They are probably starting right now - lol.  Ms T
Come join SOMHOW for an evening of live entertainers, belly dancers, burlesque AND A Masquerade ball on March 19th at Cafe Metropolitan - 8pm - 11pm.

Announcing.. ......

Sisters of the Mother House of Washington (SOMHOW) present, Olive Dume's Enigma Ball

Bring out you favorite costume and paint your face or wear a mask.  Several items shall be auctioned and there will be a raffle and who can resist the tantalizing taste of Jell-O Shots.

Date: March 19th
Time: 8PM
Cost: $3 donation
Location: Cafe Metropolitain 1701 E Olive Way, Seattle WA 98102
Venue Phone: 206 324 0771
Primary Contact: Sister Olive Dume   
Secondary Contact: Sister Angela Merici 

Thanks Sisters of the Mother House of Washington.

On Seattle Announcements Calendar.


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