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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lesbisode Part 1

A Lesbisode...

I remember some of my dates in the 80's and truly they went like this.  A date with a Real HouseDyke starts with being picked up and taken to one of the only 'gay' food establishments in Belltown followed by a rousing womens' softball game where perspective new 'life' partner can show her athletic prowess.  I watch enthralled from the bleachers while ensuring I don't get beaned in the head with a foul ball (yes, it has happened which I am sure explains multitudes).  The date is only interrupted briefly by the almost ex-lover showing up in a flannel shirt
matched only by the hostile look on her face which creates a momentarily uncomfortable situation.  Are we both suppose to be here?  Are you not broken up as you said?  I, of course understand the lesbian dating ritual of finding and spraying the future mate before burying the current one and the date concludes with... 

Amanda at Just Out posted today that Bravo is searching for the right gay boys for another in the Real House Series.  Hmmm...can you imagine a series for the Real HouseDykes?  I would love to hear what you think a Real HouseDyke series would look like?  [First I have to activate the comments tool...on my To Do list for tonight.]  Did I mention that I have become obsessed with learning how to do this blogging thing?  I am trying to figure out how to post the appropriate links back etc.  What a learning curve!

Onto Bravo now and Amanda...

Move Over Real Housewives…

… Make room for, em, the Real Houseguys? HouseGays?
Television network LOGO has issue a casting call for its new series Kept, a Real Housewives-esque series set to focus on the “A-List gay social life in NYC.”
The net is looking for men in their 20s and 30s who are coupled up with, dating or going after monied men. The show’s producers are especially keen on relationships in which one stays home while the other makes the money.

According to the Craig’s List NYC posting/official call:
“No matter HOW you term your coupling/relationship – we want to hear from you! POWER COUPLES are also welcome! BOTH guys in the relationship must be willing to appear on the show! We are looking for SUPERSIZED PERSONALITIES and SUPER-FAB EXCITING LIFESTYLES. We want Drama, drama, drama!
You must have A LOT going on — hot careers, take fabulous vacations, have second homes, do the Hamptons, Fire Island Pines or Bucks County or Asbury Park and know the IN social scene in NYC.
Maybe you are fresh out of a relationship and you are in search of someone more established or successful.
You are WELL CONNECTED – and there is no doubt that you are part of the “in” gay crowd of NYC. We are looking to infiltrate a circle of friends who fits this criteria.
Open to guys making families or who have children already.
Must live in the greater Manhattan area – or VERY close to the city.”
Photos are required to “audition,” along with professional/job details, the 411 on living arrangements, “including any second homes,” “why are you and your lifestyle so fabulous and what’s the BIGGEST drama in your life,” and last but not least, “It’s also very important to mention any friends to consider featuring in the show as well!
Email Casting Director Jimmy Floyd at if all of the above sounds like you. Seriously.
The series will premiere next year. We can’t wait — we think.

October 7th, 2009 at 10:10 am by Amanda Schurr · 

Move Over Real Housewives…


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