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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Snoball 2011 Saturday, December 3rd

I love Snoball, the event that Ingersoll puts on every year and this year the party is going to be grand.  If you have not been it is a fun party!  Consider putting this on your calendar and supporting an organization that does so much for our community. 

December 3, 2011 6:30PM

Seattle City Hall, Bertha Knight Landes Room
600 4th Ave
Seattle, WA 98124
Tickets ONLY $20.00 per person

Catered dinner, entertainment, dancing, awards and celebration!

Every year Ingersoll Gender Center throws a big party to bring the community back together to celebrate and review the year, to look forward and to connect with friends old and new.

This year SnowBall2011: The Snowball Effect is all about the amazing momentum building for justice and equality for our communities.  While there is still so much to do, the velocity for change is undeniable and our community is on a roll.

Come join us for good food and friends; stay for the entertainment, schmooze and celebration.  This year we are so excited to be holding SnowBall2011 at the beautiful Seattle City Hall Bertha Knight Landes room in downtown Seattle.  We will be joined by many friends including our gracious host city councilperson Sally Clark.


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